950,00 €/month
For rentBusiness Object for rent, I.Houdeka, Sídlisko Baničné, Ružomberok
Location: Ružomberok
208 m²
4.57 €/m²/mes
- for rent commercial space on the ground floor of a newly built residential building in Banic, Ivana Houdeka street, Ružomberok- The space is suitable for open office offices, business premises- the area of the rented space is 208 m2,- heating is own - heat pump with floor cooling,- available social facilities, kitchenette- The room has a large glazed interpretation,- the price of the rent is 700, - Eur without VAT + deposit on the media by agreement, electricity has its own measurement.
- Obľúbená lokalita
- Najlepšia cena za m2
Date of last update: 10.01.2024

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